


こんにちは。GMBA Class of 2022のYNです。

GMBA関連の投稿が久々となってしまいましたが、今回からClass of 2022のメンバーがお届けします。
私達は今年の2月からAnn Arborに入り、プログラムを開始し、すでに必修科目をいくつか受講しています。


先述の通り、私は現在Class of 2022としてGMBAに参加していますが、このプログラム自体には昨年、Class of 2021の皆さんと同じタイミングで入学しており、


その後、新型コロナウィルスの大流行に伴う中断を経て、大学からは同年9月からの受講再開or翌年のクラスへの編入という2つの選択肢が与えられましたが、私の場合は派遣元会社の判断もあり、翌年クラスへの編入(Deferral, 延期)を選択することとなりました。






前置きが長くなりましたが、GMBAプログラムの発足以来、歴代のGMBA生をサポートしてきたProgram ManagerのLinda Lillemoenさんにアンケートに協力していただきましたので、こちらに掲載いたします。少しで彼女の役割やGMBAへの思いについて知っていただけると幸いです。


Q. What is your background?
A. I have been working at the University of Michigan for almost 20 years. I began working with the Global MBA program when it was being developed and have loved seeing the changes over the years. The program has evolved so much in response to suggestions and feedback from students and professors.


Q. Your role in the GMBA program?
A. My title is Program Manager. In my role, I support school administration, professors, advisors, and of course, the students.


Q. What is the most appealing point of the program compared to other programs at other universities?
A. There are many aspects of the program that I find appealing. I suppose the most appealing is the small size of the closeness of the students in the cohort. The small cohort offers the opportunity for everyone (students, staff, and professors) to get to know each other well. My hope is these relationships last well beyond the time in the MBA and from my experience, they do.


Q. What do you like about Ann Arbor/UM?
A. I love the energy around the University of Michigan campus--all around good vibes. I also love that the business school in particular is passionate about making the world a better place for all. The school teaches and promotes a passion for using business to improve the lives of all.


Q. What do you think is important for a GMBA student?
A. The program goes by so quickly. What I think is most important is that students do as much as they possibly can while in the program to expose themselves to as many people as they can. Try new things, join new clubs, pursue new interests; use the time in the program to reach out and make as many connections as you can.


Q. What is important to you when you talk to an applicant?
A. When I speak with an applicant, I try to understand their interest in the University of Michigan and to gauge their fit for the Ross School. Of course, students pursue an MBA for many different reasons. My goal is to understand what they care about, what skills they'll share in the classroom and equally important, where/what they want to be in the future.


Q. What is your favorite memory about the GMBA program?
A. I have many memories from GMBA events over the years. My favorite must be the one I'll create next :)


Q. Are there any alumni that you still keep in touch with?
A. I keep in touch with several alumni through school events or when they visit campus or when I visit their country. This may be surprising, but I have known some alumni close to 20 years! These relationships are so precious. My hope is that everyone will feel comfortable reaching out even years after graduating. I hear from alumni usually because they're in Ann Arbor or because they remembered something funny from their time in the program or because they just got together with other alumni. Whatever the reason, I'm happy to hear from everyone.





Go Blue!